Brief History
Thermo Cool Tech was founded in 2015 by Hüsamettin UYSAL and Hayrettin ÇAKMAK. THERMOCOOLTECH, which has been serving in the sector in the fields of Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning since 1985, is in the process of taking its knowledge and expertise to the next level by providing design, production, contract and sales services in the fields of Commercial Cooling, Industrial Cooling and Air Conditioning..
Ticari Kondenserler, Oda Soğutucular, Endüstriyel Kondenserler, Sıcak Soğuk Su Bataryaları, Buhar Bataryaları, Su-Glikol Soğutucular, Şok Dondurucular, Tek Üflemeli Soğutucular, Çift Üflemeli Oda Soğutucular, Vitrin Soğutucular, Tavan Tipi Oda Soğutucular, Yağ Soğutucular üretimine odaklı çalışmalarımıza devam etmekteyiz.
Our company included the energy sector in its fields of activity at the beginning of 2016 and expanded its product range. With its customized software, it designs and manufactures LT / HT Radiators, Combustion Turbine Inlet Air Cooling and Heating Units, Oil Coolers, Air Cooled ORC Condensers and Steam Condensers for the sector.